Is it wrong to tell your high-ranking elected officials to shut-up? 'Cause with all due respect (and there isn't much), I'm asking my president and Congress to please just stop flapping their jaws and do the job they were hired to do, and that is to run my country.
There has been too much partisan distraction with birth certificates, campaigning (it's way, way too early), finger-pointing, and crazy rhetoric, and I'm just sick of listening to it. I've been yelling at the TV far more frequently, and that's never a good sign.
I want them to focus on the insane gas prices and trying to keep America from going down the financial drain by reigning in spending, providing opportunities for businesses (not government) to create jobs, giving us back our misplaced dignity and self-respect ... to live the American Dream of achieving and prospering through our own hard work.
Somewhere along the line, we've been schmoozed and sweet-talked into believing they have our best interests at heart.
After so many empty promises and so many disappointments, I have to ask, "Are we stupid?" I'm thinking we have to be if we keep falling for the same old line from the same old people and expecting a different result.
That simple fact is what is giving legs to a Donald Trump candidacy, something that in and of itself should give us great pause. (Not that he's not a smart businessman, and it's not that what he says isn't mostly accurate. His delivery might need work, though, or we could find ourselves with China calling all of our loans due!)
There isn't a single candidate on either side of the debate that I feel I can trust or believe in. They're all part of the same corrupt system, beholden to the same corrupt entities.
Maybe we need to decide (REALLY this time) that we're going to demand that they actually serve the people rather than themselves.
Now -- right now -- is the time in our history that we need to stand up and be counted and make our voices heard. We can no longer allow ourselves to be uninformed and ignorant of the Ways of Washington. If we don't do it now, we may never get another chance. We're on the Eve of Destruction, and they're guiding the missile.
Join me in asking the president and Congress to stop talking and start acting and, for once, with the best interests of the citizens in mind rather than their own? Surely we deserve better, don't we?
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